Saturday, December 15, 2012

Les Misérables: Now That’s a Trailer!

I’ve been enjoying the trailer for Les Misérables for months and now that the cast is making the talk-show rounds for its release, I’m getting even more excited to see this uniquely filmed movie version of the legendary musical. This particular trailer features the classic chill-bump-inducing song, I Dreamed A Dream, sung (live on set) by Anne Hathaway’s enslaved Fantine, as she laments legitimately about her life’s overwhelming disappointments.

The other cast members, including Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried (Fantine’s daughter, Cosette as a young woman), and the ridiculously talented Hugh Jackman all sing their parts live on set. Other highlights in the trailer: Jackman’s imprisoned Jean Valjean pulling on a rope to upright a massive ship, as he’s doused in waves of water. Sure to be a big Oscar® movie. BSo

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