Saturday, January 26, 2013

In the “Stars”: J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars Episode VII

Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness director, J.J. Abrams is captaining the next installment of the Star Wars saga, to be released in theaters in 2015. After seeing the impressive Star Trek, Abrams is a perfect fit to carry on the Lucas legacy.

Star Trek wasn’t just a great Star Trek movie, it was a great film all around. Abrams displayed a knack for weaving heartfelt emotion into a solid sci-fi story line, all while extracting convincing performances from the likes of Zachary Quinto (Spock), Chris Pine (Kirk) and Zoe Saldana (Uhura). He also created the sensation that the viewer was onboard and in space, even allowing stray beams of light and electro-chirps during certain scenes to contribute to the effect. With his balanced sense of action and emotion, the exciting, inspiring choice Abrams is.

Star Trek: Into Darkness will be released this May. (Note: The brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch from BBC’s recent, equally brilliant Sherlock series appears as the villain in this much-anticipated Star Trek sequel.) BSo

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