Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Teacher That Is Dr. Maya Angelou

The poet, author, singer and ultimate life coach, Dr. Maya Angelou sat down recently for an interview with Oprah Winfrey on “Super Soul Sunday.” The inspiring Angelou never speaks without giving me cozy chills—the sound and cadence of her voice, even her simply saying, “Yes, ma’am.” Here, she beams as she looks back on footage of her as Miss Calypso in the 1957 film, Calypso Heat Wave. She also provides some invaluable advice to her younger self and, consequently, to all who listen to this legendary teacher.

Another fantastic series on OWN is “Oprah’s Master Class.” New episodes begin Sunday, June 2 with Lenny Kravitz, reflecting on his life and career. Obviously Dr. Angelou has taught a Master Class. Here, she reminds us what Love is and what it does. Good stuff. BSo

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