Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Miley’s “We Can’t Stop”: A Good Pop Song Gets Even Better as a Doo-Wop Cover

Excluding Miley Cyrus’ disturbing video for We Can’t Stop, and certainly that desperate “performance” on the MTV VMAs, I’ve found the single itself to be quite good, meaning catchy. Granted this isn’t Lennon-McCartney, the construction of this Pop song is smart, as it’s full of starts and, ironically, stops. Lyrically, not a fan of the many (club) drug references: “Dancing with Molly” and “… trying to get a line in the bathroom…” There is the deeply synthesized voice, singing one of the many hooks, which adds a welcome dose of funk.

The Original (Audio Only):

Postmodern Jukebox’s Doo-Wop Cover, featuring The Tee-Tones, sans “Molly” lyric. Isn’t it convenient how Molly sounds like Miley? BSo

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