Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Put Your Hands Up, Make ‘Em Touch: Lady Gaga’s “Applause” Deserves Nothing But

Lady Gaga opening this year’s MTV VMAs was definitely a highlight. Full of fearless abandon, she took the stage and performed her latest infectious single, Applause. She donned four costumes and one barely-there costume during her set. It was inspiring to see art and Pop on the same stage once again, in the form of Gaga.

Applause, the lead single off her forthcoming release, ARTPOP, is signature Gaga, as she layers in several hooks throughout. If the slight pause before the explosive chorus doesn’t get you, the one-two-one-two handclaps will, or the synthesized spelling of A-R-T-P-O-P at the end is sure to do it.

The energetic video is a moving canvas, with Gaga as painter and sometimes the canvas itself, smudging colors all over her mime-inspired face. It’s also modern performance art, with Gaga as the lead, decked out in several different outfits (or not much at all) in various scenarios. Just two of the many striking images: The surprising final reveal, after she ascends from a large top hat; Gaga as an ostrich in an egg, where she sings:

“Pop culture was in art
Now art’s in pop culture in me”

Gaga begins the chorus with, “Give me that thing that I love…” She certainly has.

Gaga’s vocal delivery in the verses can’t help but remind me of her doppelganger, Dale Bozzio of the ‘80s Pop group, Missing Persons, singing, Words. BSo

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