Sunday, March 3, 2013

OWN’s Super Soul Sunday: Four-Legged Reminders

I make it a (necessary) practice just about every Sunday to reset myself; to quiet the brain chatter; to finish out the weekend and begin the week with a clearer head space, a bigger heart space and a larger breathing space. Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday on OWN is an example of how the medium of television can be used not only to entertain, but also to inform—and no one does that better than Lady O. Featuring interviews with spiritual teachers and authors, Super Soul Sunday is filled with life lesson plans that always spark what Winfrey calls, “A-ha moments.” Intertwined between these lessons are original short films that can be equivalent sources of inspiration and perspective checks.

One of today’s short films is only 1:04 and serves as a reminder of the power of observation and awareness; of silence and stillness, “within you and without you,” as The Beatles once sang. The film also reminds us how much dogs are a blessing, divinely placed here on Earth as silent spiritual teachers. It’s in what is not said that can speak the loudest to humans. Is it any wonder that dogs were designed and created not to talk. A dog doesn’t overanalyze its past or over angst about its future, it just is… not just in the now, but in the immediate second. BSo

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