Friday, April 5, 2013

Now That’s a Trailer: “Room 237”

This edition of "Now That's a Trailer" showcases the documentary, Room 237. The film deconstructs the possible hidden meanings and in-your-face continuity “errors” surrounding Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror-thriller masterpiece, The Shining. (The documentary title paying reference to the room in the Overlook Hotel that young Danny is forbidden to enter.)

Narrated by fans and theorists who have closely studied the film “forever… and ever… and ever,” each has a theory as to what The Shining is really about. Is it Kubrick’s commentary on the Native American, the Holocaust, or as one theory suggests, his “admission” that he helped create fake footage of the moon landing? No background element left ignored, no hallway on a computer-generated map of the Overlook Hotel left… overlooked, Room 237 is sure to inspire yet another viewing of the Kubrick classic, this time not just watching it, but truly observing it.

The trailer embedded below, even the still shot, is eerie and not for the faint of stomach, as it plays upon one of the more gruesome scenes featured in The Shining. The trailer also incorporates unsettling, piercingly high audible cues offset by deep tuba notes, for which the distinctive Kubrick is famous. Room 237 is in select theaters nationwide and available through OnDemand. (Check local listings and cable providers.) BSo

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